Sunday, July 11, 2010


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Emerald City Comicon 2010

Another successful Comicon. Matt, Cap, and I made the trip to the Emerald City Comicon and might I say this was the best one yet. It was also the Green Lanterns debut and with the help from friends I think it turned out great. Even though this is a comic convention really only about 5% dress up so those that did got their pictures taken a lot, I had mine taken at least 50 times and you know I was a bit concerned when I first showed up with the skin tight spandex and all but it soon went away and I quite enjoyed it. I had the opportunity to get my photo with both Leonard Nimoy and Stan "The Man" Lee, not wanting to get out of my costume i chose to get my pic with Stan dressed up, I did however apologize for the DC nature of my costume as he the creator of Spider Man, Iron Man, Thor and many others which are DC's rival Marvel, and he responded "oh, thats alright...well just shoot you on the way out." So I cant wait till next year when I will hopefully be flying the Red Yellow and Blue colors of the Man of Steel! Need to get Taron out here with a Batman outfit.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Punxsutawney Phail!

Once a year our hearts and minds turn to the possible light at the end of the proverbial tunnel of winter, and who do we put our trust and support to, none other but the largest rat I have ever seen. That's right, Puxsutawney Phil, the groundhog held captive by the town of Punxsutawney Pennsylvania. Now my problem is this according to historical records Phil has only correctly predicted the proper remainder of our wintry subjugation 39% of the time, I'm not sure what your schools policy is but at mine that's a failing grade, but do we care? No we continue year after year to come back and worship at the alter of a grade school dropout. Did you know that there are several other communities that have groundhogs? Staten Island Chuck, General Beauregard Lee of Georgia, who holds honorary doctorates from the University of Georgia and Georgia State in "Weather Prognostication" and "Southern Groundology", Sir Walter Wally of North Carolina. Buckeye Chuck of Ohio, and Chuckles, Connecticut's resident rodent oracle, I found 22 of these guys all over the U.S. but Phil has the best PR department I guess. I say we break the shackles of these oppressive dictators of the weather and hold our heads high, just don't breath too deeply or your nose hairs will freeze together.

By the way if you take the majority from all of the rats looks like it should be an early spring.